About us

Hello, we are Future Friends games and we do indie games publishing & self-publishing support

in short, we are a mix of a publisher and publishing support for hire!

We think that puts us in a really special spot where we know loads of publisher things from our games (how to talk to first parties, how get the most out of your budget, how certification works etc) but also have all the knowledge from our agency games (good press and influencer contacts, on top of social media trends, etc) which helps both sides of the business.

We think we maybe had a good idea to do this or something. Wild!

Meet the Team

We are based all over the UK, except Laura who is usually trapped in Denmark or Australia (don’t ask) and Natalie who lives in Florida to make fun of the UK weather. Thomas, Paul and Alex founded Future Friends Games in 2017, and since then we’ve been collecting a motley crew of nice people to come and work with us. We love indie games, and we started the company to help indie devs build sustainable careers so we can have more of them. Here’s the team (in order of joining):

Thomas (He/Him)

Twitter / Olima

Best known for his GDC talks, his new goal is to become a tiktok influencer

Paul (He/Him)
Twitter / ThisPaulNadin

He used to be a chef and now he’s not sure what his job is

Alex (He/Him)
Too cool for Twitter

Constantly attempting to retreat into the wilds, we drag him back and make him do publishing things

Kris (He/Him)
Twitter / Kriswb

A naturalist at heart, Kris kindly donates his indoor hours to making sense of the chaos at future friends. We wouldn’t survive a day without him

Grace (She/Her)
Twitter / GracinhaWrites

She’s becoming far too powerful and must be stopped, her third (!!) book is coming out this year

Caitlin (They/Them)
Twitter / thatsimicplayer

An artist with a thriving business and successful crowdfunding campaigns we somehow tricked into working here

Laura C (She/Her)
Twitter / Cesaura_

AKA ‘the light in the darkness’. You’ll find her doing professional video editing and community management with a smile

Natalie (She/Her)
Twitter / Heartimecia

Award-winning journalist, destroyer of timezones, editor, games consultant, and writer. No biggie! Will not rest until she learns everything about everything

Abi (She/Her)
Twitter / Opal-inkcosplay

She once cosplayed so hard she became a real videogame character. She’s like the Liam Neeson in Taken of TikTok sounds (not weird), we also throw publishing tasks at her

Robyn  (She/Her)
No Twitter (smart)

Can often be found singing at Alex (and on stages). Commutes to work on a lil boat. Dancer, barista, and rider of tiny bikes. Helps with publishing things sometimes too.

Beth (She/Her)
Twitter / bethany_dennett

Beth’s biggest hobby is collecting crafty hobbies and she is disproportionately obsessed with wrestling. As well as providing invaluable support to the Friends she is also working on an English degree (you can do it Beth!!)

Laura T (She/Her)
Twitter /

After spreading her wings Laura has come home to Future Friends to make us be better at publishing. Always in search of perfection in games, fashion, being French and chocolate, Laura knows the right shoe when she sees it.

From the photo archieves